cynic, n: a blackguard whose faulty vision sees things as they are, not as they ought to be.
ambrose bierce, "the devil's dictionary" 1911

after reading through all the many wonderfully, well-written sites out there on the internet, i thought it was time that i shared some of my own failed attempts at writing with the whole webbed world. since i am not comfortable in my failings alone, i asked some friends to contribute some of their more memorable writings along with mine. at least this way you have something to gauge my sloppy prose against.

what you will find here is a collection of things i have written over the years (mostly from late high school and on into early to mid college years). some of it funny, some of it sad, all of it laughable in some form or another. as for the other writers on this site, i can not say. they may take a stand on abortion, try convincing you to marxism or just try to entertain with their own collection of literary fluff from years past.

regardless of what force brought you to this site, i look forward to making you not regret it. if only chuckling at my vain attempts at writing greatness when i was still young and naive enough to think i could rule the world.

also, be sure to check out our links page, for without their inspiration this page may have never been created.